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Embracing Moments, Unite in Heartfelt Celebration


In a momentous gathering, Shivprerana hosted its first-ever Members Get-Together, marking the transition of leadership to the new Core Committee for the upcoming year. Against the backdrop of camaraderie and nostalgia, attendees had the opportunity to delve into the rich history of Shivprerana, tracing its evolution and milestones over the years. From humble beginnings to impactful initiatives, the journey of Shivprerana unfolded, serving as a source of inspiration and pride for all present. Amidst reflections on the past, there was also a profound appreciation for the tireless efforts of volunteers who have contributed to Shivprerana's success. As the new Core Committee assumed their roles, they were entrusted with the responsibility of carrying forward Shivprerana's legacy while embracing the winds of change, ushering in a new era of growth, innovation, and service to the community.

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