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Durga Ek Oolkah


At Mathrubhumi School, students were treated to a captivating seminar titled "Durga Ek Oolkah," where an influential speaker shared fascinating insights into the forts of the region. As the audience listened with rapt attention, they were transported back in time to the era of majestic fortresses and valiant warriors. The speaker's vivid descriptions and historical anecdotes painted a vivid picture of the forts' significance and architectural marvels. In addition to the enlightening session, engaging activities were organized, allowing students to immerse themselves in the rich history and culture of the forts. From interactive quizzes to hands-on craft sessions, every moment was filled with learning and excitement. By the end of the seminar, students not only gained a deeper understanding of the forts but also developed a newfound appreciation for their heritage and legacy.

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